January 24, 2025 -

Small enough to know you. Large enough to serve you.


The Sisterhood of Manetto Hill Jewish Center is a proud affiliate of the Women’s League of Conservative Judaism. We bring the synagogue’s women together to achieve our goals, which include the promotion of the welfare of the Shul, the Religious School, furthering Jewish Education in the family and encouraging observance of Shabbat and other Jewish holidays.

Some of our events include Sisterhood Shabbat, Women’s Passover Seder, craft events, cooking and gaming activities. Everyone looks forward to our annual Purim basket fundraiser. Our women are a vibrant group who enjoy old friends while making new friends at our events. New members are always welcome.

Sponsoring all Kiddush’s at MHJC and the coordination of every Bar and Bat Mitzvah Kiddush is a service that Sisterhood provides to MHJC. Sisterhood provides generous donations for programs as well as the Shabbat challah for the Religious School and Tot Shabbats. When they are needed, Sisterhood sells bereavement cards as well as Mazel Tov cards for happy occasions.  Sisterhood also sells trees to be planted in Israel through the Jewish National Fund. Our Sisterhood fund raises and provides donations to all areas of the synagogue.

Contact Sisterhood at MHJCSisterhood@gmail.com.

Executive Board

President: Felicia Schneberg
VP Membership: Debbie Hershkowitz
Treasurer: Martha Kovel
Financial Secretary: Harriet Blatt
Recording Secretary: Robin Soberman
Corresponding Secretary: Sharon Dashow
Sunshine Liasion: Ilene Sudran
JNF Tree Liasion: Harriet Blatt
Immediate Past President: Jodi Hirsch and Patti Silver

Manetto Hill Jewish Center
244 Manetto Hill Road, Plainview, NY 11803
516-935-5454|Email Us